Saturday, September 25, 2010

was it LOVE or STUPIDITY...

In your life I'm alone again, I'm back to being your number one.
Till when I'm not sure...
Time heals all wounds as they all say and you're still young.
Can you keep your promise that you'll wait for her

Last night after the chaos in your life, after all the harsh decisions you've done
I saw you in tears for the second time, not because of me but because of her...
I may not know what's the real reason behind, all I know is that you're both young,
Our old ones may not tell how much they care, but they were trying.
If ever they have said inappropriate words for our special ones, that may hurt but making harsh decisions won't solve anything, bigger problems will then occur that can hurt you both the most.

You've told me everything and it pained me seeing how you were torned apart.
I should be happy coz you'll have time for me again and yet I can't.
I was touched when you told me that your girl really liked me and yet I still cover my defense with hypocrisy of not liking her at all.

She being thankful for my kindness tickled my heart and knew how stupid I was not wanting her to be a friend.
I'm simply scared for what I will feel if the three of us got along just fine, I'm still the under dog coz am the one who was to be kept secret to everyone, unlike her whom you can hold hands in public and with whom you can utter the words that I've been longing to hear.

9 months you promised that you'll be waiting for her, and should I then feel happy and contented since I'll have you for 9 months and mine alone.
Will there be only me or after a month or two you'll be healed and will move forward to find anew.
It's been difficult to see you in tears coz I want to hold you tight, hug you and cuddle you up and feel all the pain that you have in your heart.

I feel bad for what had happened instead of being happy coz I'm the only one that you have.
What I've been hoping for and yet my heart knew and feels that I can only occupy a small part in your heart.
Whatever happens am just here for you until such time that I'll have to leave and find myself to start a new.
Was it because of love that I'm accepting everything or stupidity that I'm like playing a game?

1 comment:

maria khey said...

oist..musta?drama ka nanaman jan. hehehe...miss you gel...i miss the bitch in you..muwah!