Monday, December 27, 2010

--- 2010 ---

"And so this is Christmas, and what have we done? Another year over, a new just begun" just a simple line from one of my favorite Christmas songs sung by Celine Dion.

Year 2010 gave me a lot of career rise and down fall at the same time. Realizations and uncountable blessings, it made me more stronger and became more open with lot's of changes that's happening with my environment.

Let's start...


Start of my year was great, I was chosen as training apprentice for my PHH account and was getting ready to handle my training class for one of the PTC Queues. Am not sure if there's something special ever happened for this month... Hmmmnn, there's one; Giann a very good friend of mine won Mr. HAU and I've been being introduce to some well known personality here in Pampanga.


Got a year older, being more witty and experienced. One of the most unforgettable was when I got my trainees pass their training though some of them fail, I'm still happy cause I produce a competent team who is very open when it comes to changes. Another one was when I pass out in the Mansion while partying with my SGroup family, I lost one of the most valuable and sentimental property I ever had my entire life. I lost my cellphone which happens to be my very first consolation working with Sutherland 3 days before my birthday. Well, not to mention that my birthday was the saddest one since I was left by my family. But, I survived and learned the rule when it comes to partying and drinking.


Became one of the SME's for my account. Had handled my own team which happens to be my trainees also, tested my patience of doing what the supervisors though for my understanding is that my position has a different approach. Nothing special for the month though.

April, May and June...

Summer full of fun, shocking truth and unacceptable circumstances. Within these months, I got the chance to be with old friends and family. I also got the chance to strut my staff inside the fashion world. Handle bikini pageants once again which I often does for the past years since I came back from being an event organizer in Manila. Unexpected problem occurred with some projects am working on with and yet everything came out just fine.

I lost one of my best friends due to an accident and can't accept the truth and see him for the last time. Got the pass to watch Philippines Fashion week after a long while not getting the chance to watch it. Being able to have a reunion with my theatrical family, have fun with them and enjoy their company.


One of the saddest and unforgettable month of the year. Not able to sign my new position as SME and was transferred to another account, it broke my heart and yet we can't do anything. Growing up in the industry with only one motto "business needs" is quite difficult and yet you need to go with the flow.

Unforgettable, simply because I found that special person that I've been longing for such a long time. July 17th, a very special day. After 7 years of searching and moving forward from my last, I finally found him, not to mention that everything is very sudden, no formal dates and I don't even knew him that much and yet I felt that he can be that one special person that I could take good care of.


Tragic, health issues and downfalls. First week after being totally depressed and frustrated with the new environment that I'll be working with, I got sick. My Pharynx and tonsils were swollen and I need to take a rest for almost a week due to high fever and as per my doctors advise. Feeling better, I went to work though not totally well yet I know I can handle myself so I pushed through.

On the 13th, bad news came from my father's family. My Aunt had one of her brain nerve snapped causing her to be comatose. However, due to busy schedule I wasn't able to visit her when she was rushed to the hospital and was transferred to my other Aunt's place since they don't have the money to have her admitted to ICU. She died Tuesday, and I went to her funeral the next day after my shift. All eyes on me, hearing words that pierced my heart, and was judge that I need to be sorry for what happened to my Aunt. It didn't affect me cause I know that I have never neglected my Aunt emotionally and physically. The only thing that I feel sorry for is that I did not get the chance to help her financially when I already knew that she was sick due to the negative feedbacks that I hear about where her money goes. I missed her so much, the person who was there when I stand on my own already left me, she did not even gave me the chance to thank her for everything and yet I know that she's already happy where ever she is right now. --- Merry Christmas Aunt Marte ---

After my Aunt's Burial, got sick once again, having my kidney swollen at this point. I really don't feel very well, being totally shocked and yet I can't do anything about it. The only thing that I've got to do was to have my continues medication that cost me a lot. A month full of trials and yet ended up having everything fixed up and better.


September 17, 2010... One of the biggest event that ever happened in my corporate life. I won first runner with Sutherland's Carnival Queen, I was only hoping to bag one award and yet I got more than what I was expecting. It felt like a true beauty queen, everyone was looking at you, sending praises and knowing you a lot more. Winning this corporate, fun filled and employee engagement pageant gave me and opened a lot of opportunities to know more people and be more closer with my new account and also within the outside community.

October and November...
Nothing new, what else to expect when everything that happens daily is just the same from the past few days. 17th of the month will still be my special day with my special someone. Got the chance to meet new people and be their friends.
Had the chance to work with the top fashion designers of Angeles City as Choreographer/Director and Make Up Artist. Tiring and yet satisfying, what is life if you won't make the most of it?
Final countdown before Christmas and New Year. Waited to received my 13th month and spend some for myself and for my love ones. Felt sad cause I didn't have SL conversion and yet very happy to have a moment with my special one and also with my Family. Best gift that I ever received this Christmas is when one person whom you don't expect the most reached out and greeted you 2 hours before Christmas day.
New Year is fast approaching, do I need to have resolutions again? or just have to live my life fully once a day? I already made a lot of mistakes my whole life and this coming year will be my chance to right what I've done wrong and try to fix everything that can be fixed. To start moving forward and embrace my responsibility with my parents as their child. To help my siblings grow up and have a life of their own. to be more wise in every decision that I'll be facing. To be strong in facing life's trials and difficulties, that no matter what happens I'll be understanding and have belief that HE won't be giving me this challenges and trials if HE knows that I can't handle it myself.
Becoming me is difficult and yet I know that I grew up very well. Prim and proper, sophisticated, fashionable and strong wilde all at one. I'm just hoping that as I get older this coming 2011, I'll gain more wisdom and knowledge. A lot of growth opportunities when it comes to my career with Sutherland. Travel opportunities inside and outside of the country. Learning opportunities that was been stucked for a long time.
Farewell 2010, you helped me grow a lot.
Starting a new, I am now closing this chapter of my life and will just look back to reflect on what I've done negatively, leave it and learn from it. Maintain and improve what I've done positively.
2011 is the start of a new...
- gApS -

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