Friday, August 3, 2018

turning point in life

Last night I was asked by one of my close friends about my turning point in life. I had to think, I am unsure when, and if what comes to my mind is considered my turning point in life. And then this morning it hit me; 

- I became part of a local theater group when I was 17 years old, it's my turning point of living my dream of becoming an actor. I was able to get big roles that I never expect I would get, I became a backstage person which made me fell in love with the costumes and make up artistry. 
- At the age of 18, I became part of a family that is not even blood related to mine and yet they considered me as part of them, loved me and cared for me as if I was one of their own. Another turning point in my life where I realized that I was given gifts by God that is more that what I deserved in life. 
- I became part of an event team, became a handler, choreographer and even back stage director. These are the turning point in my life that I never realized I am already taking part of the industry that I have been dreaming to be part of a long long time ago.
- then there's PEM, I gained new people who believed in what I can do and what my capabilities are. It made me closer to the community, have advocacy to help other people, to give back after receiving. To have another family and friends to enjoy and have fun. 
- I then became part of JCI, a group of diverse individuals who made me realized what a country and a community should be. Culiat JCI is my ideals of a great community and probably country, where status quo is not an issue, it focuses more on what the group wants to achieve as one. It's another turning point in my life that honed me to be exceptional, that no matter what happens there will always be people to support you no matter what you want to achieve in life and even though you did wrong, they won't let you down, instead, they will pull you up and stand back on your feet.

But you know what my biggest turning point in life is? It is when the place I called home when I started living in this foreign land called land of dreamers got burned down to ashes. Where I got nothing left but myself and few personal stuff. December 5, 2017 made me realized that material things can be taken from you easily, that even though you tell yourself that seeing this things make you feel good because it's what you earned for working hard. This was the moment that I looked back and realized that I have been working hard and yet I don't have any savings, that I keep on buying things that I don't even need, things that I only wear once and that's it. And because of that, I started to think several times before I buy something, I will think 100 times where and when to use it. I still have some flaws, but due to this unforgettable experience, I started to think about my future, what is the reason why I came here in the first place. God has always been with me in all this challenges, I would say that I am not a church person, I never attended mass because I only sleep when I attend one hence I rather visit the church, light a candle and offer a prayer. I always believed that God is everywhere, he's living inside our hearts. Our faith is not measured how many times you go to church, if you have memorized the bible, it's on how you believe in Him. 

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