Sunday, August 12, 2018

Sad things...

I am not the type of person who always say what's in my head. I rather talk to myself when I am alone expressing what I truly feel about anything, or better yet, I write here in my blog what I feel. So here we go;

The reason why I hate watching news when I was in the Philippines is not because I don't like to update myself on what is happening around my country, it is because of the bias way news are being shared to the society. It's because I can see how my country men are, it's because it shows the true problem in the community that is already being shown and yet nobody cares and still throws the blame to another person. 

So there, I was checking on my twitter and saw tweets regarding the current situation of my country. It is under a strong typhoon once again and a lot of my country men are suffering. I believe that we filipinos are being looked up to by other people because we are resilient. We fall and then we find ways to rise up again, we can always recover quickly even though we were hit hard. We smile even though we are already tired and having a hard time. We are like chameleons that can easily adapt to changes. 

Sad thing is, we lack discipline, we lack responsibility, what we do best is put the blame to other people even though the problem started on our end. How can I say all these? It's because I grew up with it. Filipinos are never disciplined enough to follow rules and regulations, a simple way of disposing of garbage is not being followed. Candy wrappers being thrown out on the streets, along with plastic bottles, cups and bags. We are being taught on how to recycle and yet we are having a hard time doing it. Small things that if we have started to be responsible enough then there shouldn't be any floods, clogged drainage system, less problems. 

We lacked responsibilities, we are responsible for the garbage, if we have been doing what is right, not disposing garbage anywhere, all of this problems should've not occurred. But of course, we are not certified filipinos if we are not to blame our government, our leaders. We always feel that all the problems of the Philippines is because our leaders lacked. That the leaders are the ones to be blamed because they are not doing anything to mitigate the issue. Partly true because we can't deny that corruption is one of the pivotal reasons why projects are not being budgeted properly. Still, why can't we ask ourselves? What have we done to help the community? Am I one of the people who doesn't care and just throw the garbage anywhere? Have I make anything that can contribute for a positive change? Go ask yourselves and if you are confident about your answer then start serving the community. Help our government, help our leaders. By this way I believe, our country, the Philippines will be a better place to live in. 

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