Saturday, September 18, 2010

Carnival Queen 2010 - Sutherland Clark

" Well, since this is an employee engagement program activity win or lose as long as I've enjoyed the competition then I'm happy... "

" Can you please enlighten us with your Motto; Fata Viam Inveniente... "

These are the few words being asked and answered by me during the most prestegious night that we had at Sutherland Clark for benefits of the homosexuals.

Bagging the title as 1st runner up is already a great honor on my part. Never did I expect to enter the top 3, all I'm hoping was to bagged at least one of the minor awards. Bagging Best in Creative Costume already made me feel satisfied and not longed to be part of the top 3 coz I know that my co candidates are more deserving than I do. But then again, I competed with confidence and enjoynment. Our motto was just one word; "Enjoy" coz no matter what happens, win or lose, as long as everyone was happy and the people of Sutherland participated, then that's the biggest achievement that we have all deserve.

Carnival Queen 2010 is part of the employee engagement program that we have at Sutherland Clark. We have at least one event per month to relieve the stress and work pressure that we deal during ordinary days. It's fun to see everyone enjoying, giving full support, each account participated and give out applauds and encouragement to their candidates. In my part there were 2 of us who's representing our account and who ever wins doesn't matter. Thanks to the creative minds of HR Events Coordinator Bobet Menesis and ever powerful host of each event Paul Montinola, they created such event to showcase not only the beauty but also the wit of the homosexuals. With this event the company only shows that there was no discrimination regarding sexuality, that everyone is acceptable in the society.

1 comment:

maria khey said...

nasaan ang mga pics gel?