Saturday, January 14, 2012

Why do you want to study fashion?

Aside from the fact that I would love to be a world renowned filipino fashion designer, I want to study fashion to learn the from the basic up until I further develop my talent and skills in creating the best clothing designs that is not only fashionable as well as comfortable and wearable.

The best people that we have in our country did not just rely simply on their skills and talents as well as creativity. They enhance their skills and talents by continuous study and learning and as well as experience of course. I can say that I could create what I envisioned, and yet the question is, did I execute it very well? One thing is certain, we all need proper education in whatever career or profession we choose. I believe that practice makes perfect but then again having the opportunity to study and get proper education on what you would love to do is still the best solution for me to be able to gain the knowledge that will be essential when I start moving around the industry that I would love to take part of.

Fashion is something very magical for me, it is my way of portraying the characters on fairy tale books when I was still a little child. My way of relieving stress when I started studying and as well as when I already need to work to sustain a leaving and support my love ones. I often sketch designs that just pops out of my creative mind and as well as getting ideas from what I see from the magazines and fashion shows that I have watched. It's not a mere fanatic but happened to be a dream, that one day I could see myself having my own clothing line, working with celebrities, fashion icons; etc and having fashion shows not just here in the Philippines but as well as top fashion cities in the world. 

For me, studying fashion will be essential. It will give me the proper knowledge that is needed aside from the skills and talent that I already possess. It will also be an enhancement on my end since I grew up in the saying that proper education is the only possession that you can have and can never be stolen. 

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