Saturday, September 25, 2010

was it LOVE or STUPIDITY...

In your life I'm alone again, I'm back to being your number one.
Till when I'm not sure...
Time heals all wounds as they all say and you're still young.
Can you keep your promise that you'll wait for her

Last night after the chaos in your life, after all the harsh decisions you've done
I saw you in tears for the second time, not because of me but because of her...
I may not know what's the real reason behind, all I know is that you're both young,
Our old ones may not tell how much they care, but they were trying.
If ever they have said inappropriate words for our special ones, that may hurt but making harsh decisions won't solve anything, bigger problems will then occur that can hurt you both the most.

You've told me everything and it pained me seeing how you were torned apart.
I should be happy coz you'll have time for me again and yet I can't.
I was touched when you told me that your girl really liked me and yet I still cover my defense with hypocrisy of not liking her at all.

She being thankful for my kindness tickled my heart and knew how stupid I was not wanting her to be a friend.
I'm simply scared for what I will feel if the three of us got along just fine, I'm still the under dog coz am the one who was to be kept secret to everyone, unlike her whom you can hold hands in public and with whom you can utter the words that I've been longing to hear.

9 months you promised that you'll be waiting for her, and should I then feel happy and contented since I'll have you for 9 months and mine alone.
Will there be only me or after a month or two you'll be healed and will move forward to find anew.
It's been difficult to see you in tears coz I want to hold you tight, hug you and cuddle you up and feel all the pain that you have in your heart.

I feel bad for what had happened instead of being happy coz I'm the only one that you have.
What I've been hoping for and yet my heart knew and feels that I can only occupy a small part in your heart.
Whatever happens am just here for you until such time that I'll have to leave and find myself to start a new.
Was it because of love that I'm accepting everything or stupidity that I'm like playing a game?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

A love to share...

September 19-23, 2010

19th September, my boy's brother's thanksgiving party at their place. I was invited just the other night while am at work. I can't say no since he's already a good friend of mine and just told him that if his brother's gf will be there then I might not make it so he needs to give me a signal or whatever.

Around 10 pm when I went to their house bringing Choco Oatmeal Fudge which happens to be their favorite among my baked products. (they haven't tasted my banana cake and choco cookies yet and my cousin's chocolate cake...). I saw my boy outside with his girl, does it matter? well, it didn't affect me coz I'm already composed to being a total bitch that particular night. What I really intended to do was to intimidate her which I successfully did, I'm a well spoken person and very outgoing anyway. I wish I could look straight to my boy that night and yet I can't I can sense uneasiness on my part, I'm totally uncomfortable with the situation am at the moment and yet I can't just walk away and leave.

I was introduce to everyone except for one, and I don't need to mention who, and that's when I felt more welcome. I had a drink with my boy's brother's friends and it was cool coz they are all outspoken and very open and fun. Didn't get the chance to mingle with my boy coz his girl was there and I don't want to get near her. I didn't stay that long since some friends were there waiting for me, and even though I brought money with me, I didn't gave out any for them to buy more alcohol. What was on my mind that night was; "it's not my night anyway... and why would I spend if she will be staying drinking my part".

20th September, monday, first day of the week. Waking up with a smile painted on my face, I realized that everything that had happened between us was not that much of a challenge. He might have his girl, but that doesn't mean that he care less for me. My whole day was a blast not to include that it's already my off the next day, time to rest again. I rec'd a text message from him around 4pm asking where am at. I replied that I am at work, he then replied that he had a problem, told me to inform him when my shift already ended. As soon as I ended my shift I texted him and asked him if we'll be meeting but then I haven't rec'd anything. I waited until such time that I already fell asleep, tried calling him but his phone was already out of reach.

21st September, I went out with some friends to watch UP dance competition. I asked one of his closest friend where he was and just told me that if I wish to see him we need to go together coz nobody knew where was he staying. Told him that I can't go coz I'm judging a competition, asked him to tell my boy to just text me and see after the event. Around 12 midnight when I got the chance to see him, I can sense his uneasiness and the urge to not stay that long out side. I barely knew the reason why.

22nd of September, I brought him clothes and bought some personal stuff. I can't resist not helping him out though his brother already informed me that they have been looking for him and his GF since they were both missing for 3 days already. I lied and kept things my own even though I knew all his where abouts, I did not give out information. I knew right there and then that she was staying with him and yet it did not stop me from supporting him. It kinda hurt and yet I can't do anything about it, he badly needs me, they badly needs my support.

23rd of September, did not hear any from him. I understood his situation and just let him have his time for his own.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Carnival Queen 2010 - Sutherland Clark

" Well, since this is an employee engagement program activity win or lose as long as I've enjoyed the competition then I'm happy... "

" Can you please enlighten us with your Motto; Fata Viam Inveniente... "

These are the few words being asked and answered by me during the most prestegious night that we had at Sutherland Clark for benefits of the homosexuals.

Bagging the title as 1st runner up is already a great honor on my part. Never did I expect to enter the top 3, all I'm hoping was to bagged at least one of the minor awards. Bagging Best in Creative Costume already made me feel satisfied and not longed to be part of the top 3 coz I know that my co candidates are more deserving than I do. But then again, I competed with confidence and enjoynment. Our motto was just one word; "Enjoy" coz no matter what happens, win or lose, as long as everyone was happy and the people of Sutherland participated, then that's the biggest achievement that we have all deserve.

Carnival Queen 2010 is part of the employee engagement program that we have at Sutherland Clark. We have at least one event per month to relieve the stress and work pressure that we deal during ordinary days. It's fun to see everyone enjoying, giving full support, each account participated and give out applauds and encouragement to their candidates. In my part there were 2 of us who's representing our account and who ever wins doesn't matter. Thanks to the creative minds of HR Events Coordinator Bobet Menesis and ever powerful host of each event Paul Montinola, they created such event to showcase not only the beauty but also the wit of the homosexuals. With this event the company only shows that there was no discrimination regarding sexuality, that everyone is acceptable in the society.

Friday, September 10, 2010


Why in just a simple sorry I can forgive you and be happy once again?
Why can't I be mad at you even though my mind tells me that I have to?
Is this because I love you?

All I asked was a little respect, there were two of us sharing your just one heart. Whom do you really love? I can't answer, but whenever I ask if you'll let me find someone else, you'll answer "never". Now I realized why you always want me to decide whenever I ask what our real status is; If you still want me in your life. You just can't let me go, admit it or not I still play a big part in your life. Am still the first one anyway, problem is... I am not a girl.

My heart belongs only to you, I fell in love with the person I barely knew.
I don't even know when it all started, but as time goes by the deeper I fall and never want us to be parted.
I tried to stop, but you always show me what I wanted to see.
You make me feel what I wanted to feel.

My heart can't stop now, not until I will say goodbye.
I come to realize that loving you will just give me pain and sorrow,
Everyday will be a challenge not knowing when you will let me go...
A wounded heart I may have, but whenever I see you smile, it heals the broken part.

Hoping, longing, wishing and dreaming
One day I'll be the only one again and others will be flings,
Just like when we were just starting...
And most of all, you uttering the words that will make me whole.

A love to share...

September 10, it's been a long while since I last wrote something here on my journal. I guess there's nothing more to write, nothing exciting happened with this love life of mine. He's been more busy with his girl, can't even find time to be with me anymore. He's still that sweet guy that I've known though, I know he still cares, but he can't spend more time with me. I only had once to twice a week in meeting him, I had to beg for his time which is not right anymore. I still can't let him go though.

For the past week I had to wait until midnight just to be disappointed since he won't be able to meet me up or he's to tired. I got the chance to sleep at their house just to he leave me and I was very sleepy to stay awake waiting for him to arrive from helping out his boss. I'm happy though, I got the chance to see him sleep. How angelic his face was, so calm and so sweet. I almost kiss him right then and there, I just need to control myself coz someone might see me and that's embarrassing since we're not alone in their house, his grandmother might see me. I was happy that whole day.

He's texting me, "yes" sweetness and care pours through his text messages and I'm happy, but not contented, he still don't have time for me, all he reply when I ask if we could meet was "I'll text you...". Once we had a talk and his girl knew that he has me, she was jealous and angry. It's a big deal for him and it hurts, now I know how it feels to be in the 2nd place, a place where you need to beg for love and for time. Am hurting and yet I can't let him go, cause I believe that God had his reasons why we met in an awkward situation and went on in a relationship without even having the chance to know each other very well. One night of fun, few weeks of happiness, and months of pain, is that it? Hopefully not.

Whenever I read novels, watch romantic movies I always cry when a person let's go of someone he/she loves for the sake of having this person be with someone they truly love. It sounds easy, but then in reality it's not. I want to let go of him, but whenever I ask him if what he wanted he always ask the same question. I want him to say something, I know that he doesn't want to hurt me but what his doing right now is more painful than what he will say in words. I know that we went on this without hesitation, he just want me to be happy I guess. To fulfill what I've been longing for a long time, and I thought that he was totally serious. It's an open complicated relationship, I don't mind him going out with girls since he's still a guy, a straight one.

Everything changes when he met this flirty girl, she's cute in a way. Too liberated for me, I'm not fond of her type. Compare to her, I'm more of prim and proper, a chameleon who can adopt easily with my environment or should I say that the right words to describe me will be "cowboy". Someone whom you can drag anywhere without hesitation, an adventurer. I don't find what interesting with her that he liked. My guy and I had a huge fight the day they made things official between them and since then everything change. I don't know if it was because of what I have done or simply because he's already happy with her and he doesn't need me in his life anymore.

These week, I did not received any message from him, and I asked him why? simple reply "I'm with my girl". Then that's it, I decided not to bother him anymore. If ever he texts me then that will be the time that I'm talking to him. I'm still hoping that everything will be back to where it used to be, and I'll just have to be patient in waiting and never doubt my feeling for him. Anyway I can always find a way to be happy, may it be for just a day or two, atleast I can pour what my hearts content is. I can't just let him go... One reason; I love him...