Monday, April 11, 2011

I'm Falling for you...

The hardships of being a gay...

I'm committed to date, been 9 months, couldn't say that it's perfect since we don't have perfect communication with each other. Do I still love him? that I can't answer straight coz my heart is beating for someone else right now. A person whom I know I can help in building his dreams, I feel so sad that I have to feel this way, maybe I just grew tired of asking for him to grow up and be responsible and found someone who captures my interest when it comes to being responsible and has a dream, a goal to achieve in life.

Yes, I'm honest and true that I'm not faithful coz I still go out with different guys all the time, but that doesn't mean that I didn't love him. I already gave everything that I've got and being with him is the biggest challenge I ever had. He's not my lucky charm I guess, coz whenever he's near trouble is on its way. Being so perky and kind is becoming quite difficult, I can't say "NO" or should I say that I don't know how to say "NO".

The dilemma of meeting someone new and that someone captures your heart is quite frustrating. I should have stop myself from the very start if I only knew that things will be this way. I know that I need to be contented with whom I'm committed with right now, but I can't stop myself from caring two special person at the same time. I always say to myself that I need to focus with one priority at a time but since I am confident that I can handle things very well, might as well go on.

When the time comes and it will cause me pain, then that I guess would be the time for me to stop and start a new.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

8 mos and we're getting stronger?

It's been 8 mos since we committed with each other, haven't seen him though for quite a while. I've missed him? I guess so... can't hardly say "YES" coz my heart is becoming confused with all this guys coming my way.

Last time that we went out together was January 17th, 2011 and then that was it, he only greeted me last February during valentines day, our monthsary and my birthday. He didn't show up though, I expected him to be on my birthday but he didn't come and it hurts me a lot coz he always have excuses that he's shy facing my family.

On our 8th month he greeted me and we've seen each other after a day or two. I did miss him, his kiss and hugs... His smell and the way he smiles at me... But why can't I stop myself from missing someone else?