Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Hwarang - The Poet Warrior Youth

I just finished watching the series and I have some points that I have been taking notes of while watching each episode.

* It's my first time to watch a series that I have to skip parts of the leading lady, her acting annoyed the hell out of me, I ma not sure how big Go A-ra is in Korea as an actress but she didn't give justice to her character, or maybe I just didn't like her at all. Her acting was a mediocre even when she delivers her lines.

* The male leads are all handsome and justice was given to each characters that they are portraying, no doubt about Park Seo-joon and Park Hyung-sik. The guys looked elite and well deserved for each of their roles I should say. Luckily they were able to pull out the strings considering that their lead actress is failing in every aspects of character delivery. 

* Background music is a mess, it's as if during the editing they just put background music on each scene just because. It is sometimes annoying that there is a background music where it is not necessary. 

* Story plot, I'll say 75% rate, there are scenes unnecessary, scenes that are not deep enough to be understood why it was there and why it has to happen. I understand that in every man's success there is a woman behind however, it is not always necessary specially the female protagonists role doesn't look necessary at all. It could have been better if they made a different attack with the female protagonist and not look like a damsel in distress who became the reason why one man wants to become a king and the other one wants to live. I have nothing against it, it's just that the story line was not well thought of. I acknowledge the fact when Ji Dwi look unto her because it's the first time that he had someone who can see him as the King and be himself no matter what, his situation is unbearable. Same with Sun woo, she is part of the reason why he tried to live again and fight his way to justify the death of his friend. Since the story line was about the Hwarang's, my take was to focused more about them, they should've shown more of them and how they grown up as a person. I don't really know about the female lead part being part of the story when it doesn't look appeasing and necessary to be part of the story. (This is all my take personally though)

** The death of Han-seung (Kim Tae-hyung) for me is unnecessary though it made and impact and made his brother and grandfather to realize how they should've understood him and just let him live the life that he wants to live. Someone as gentle and caring as him made me cry when he died specially that he is just starting to have bonding with Sun woo looking up to him as an elder brother. It was such a short time for the both of them. 

So, over all it's not that bad. Not much of what I expected though coz I am actually expecting too much if I am gonna base it with the reviews given in Viki site. 9.6 rating is high and it will make you expect a good run specially of you are more into story plot of series and good looking actors are added value. Well, everything written here is based on my own verdict, we have different opinions, what is yours?

Friday, March 22, 2019

Romance is a Bonus Book

I just finished watching another K Drama via Netflix and I would say I got hooked. I didn't know that it has a very good story plot and it mirrors the real life struggles, from personal to professional life. The story plot will show you how change is inevitable in this world. That even though your worked hard, sucked your pride up and bow your head down, it's still not enough. How cruel some people are not even remembering that they were once at the bottom and struggled their way up to climb the ladder. It's a reflection how we must live in this world, no matter how hard it is, we just need to keep on fighting and believing that we will achieve our goals how simple it may be.

The characters in the series tackled different life stories that everyone can relate to, you can see part of your life in the characters portrayed. It will make you realized that certain sacrifices are being made to live fully, no matter how hard it is, there will always be someone out there who will believe in you. Just like what Eun Ho, no matter how negative people will see him and say negative things about him having one person believe in him and tell him that he did the right thing is more than enough. Just like in the real world, we don't need hundreds of people believing in us, having one who will push you to your limit and won't leave your side no matter what is more that enough.

We will always have friends whom we love being with, chilling out, partying and bonding. We also those whom we hang out with because we find ourselves growing with them and continuously learning from them. And there's just one, one that no matter what happens, even if you don't say a word he understands how you feel and will be there for you to cheer you up when you are feeling down.

"Because of you, I do not sway until the very end regardless of how windy it gets.
Although this world is full of frowns and grimaces, because of you, I've become someone who can smile even when I'm on my own. Thank you, I am happy for I could stay strong even during the most difficult days" -  Part of the Poem that was memorized by Dan I and Eun Ho

The ending part of the series made me want to watch it all over again. It made me want to read books again and find inspiration. It made me want to stay in the book stores and coffee shops while reading books, turning it's page one by one. In this modern day where ebooks are already available and you can read everything via tab, laptops and cellphones, it made me want to go back reading my old novel collections where I flip its pages and use my imagination while reading each and every chapter.

Just as the ending parts have noted;

We are like books, we wait for someone to find us and open us to see what's inside. We learn about people and in the end, no one can live without them. 

When the world changes drastically, people's diligence keeps it up.

We are trees that branch out in solitude and bears fruit. We are beautiful trees with growth rings of our lives.

Pride in creating, trust, and happiness -  those are what it means to make a book. Only after finishing the book I can see what I missed and life goes the same.

Everyone has their own tunnel to pass, a hand from others help us forget our fears. 

A book that inspires others may not always inspire you, so find a book that does. When we exchange lines from our heart, we cry, smile and learn to love others. In life we face many hurdles, we use each others love to jump over them. 

Loving someone is strange and amazing at the same time.

I am looking forward to watching more series like this. This is part of the reason why I can't get over K Dramas, there are times that I am not just hooked because of the leading men. (Who can't get hooked with Lee Jong Suk, Lee Min Ho, Gong Yoo, Nam Joo Hyuk, Yeu Seung Ho, Park Seo Joon, Kim Soo Hyun, Ok Teacyeon, Choi Jin Hyuk, Kim Ji Soo and Park Hyung Sik to name a few). I am hooked with the story and it makes me laugh, smile, cry and most of the time feel butterflies like I am always falling in love over and over again.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

A piece of advise...

Even if they thought you were temporary. You know deep in your heart that you’re not. You were honest. You showed them your vulnerability, your feelings and what they meant to you. You showed them that they mattered. You showed them your scars without trying to conceal them. You were an entire galaxy for someone who couldn’t even see the stars.

Even if they made you feel like you weren’t good enough. You gave your all. You did your best. You did everything you could, and if that’s not enough for someone, it’s not your job to change them. Maybe you were too strong for the weak ones or too deep for the shallow ones or maybe you were a home when they were looking for a vacation.

That said, spend all your energy to those who still need or want you in their lives. People come and go. Cherish those who stay.

Friday, January 18, 2019

3 Reasons It’s Never Too Late to Go After Your Dreams

1.Success has no age limit: There is no cap on how young or old you have to be to reach success. Some careers take longer than others to advance, which means you may not be 30 and see the height of your career. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

2. A career switch can upgrade your happiness factor: Our careers have a lot to do with our happiness in other areas of our life. If we don’t like the job that we go to everyday, a lot of the stress and frustration can easily spill over into our home and social lives. Having a job you hate or are bored with can bring you that much closer to recognizing what your true dream is and can give you the push you need to go for that dream. Switching to pursue your dream career can bring just the right amount of happiness you need. Remember it’s always easier to be successful at something you are passionate about rather than something you have no interest in at all.

3. You don’t want to have career regrets: Holding on to a career that no longer interests you can be draining. The more you push off going after your professional dreams and goals the more you will look up and say “I should’ve… would’ve… could’ve.” Having regrets about opportunities you should have taken advantage of is never a good feeling.

Friday, January 4, 2019


I am observant and everyone close to me would know. 

People will show that they like you but behind your back they talk differently. I myself is guilty of being that way, I talk behind peoples back too, it's an honest confession. I talk about their negative traits that I hated, the stupid things that they do, the attitudes that I can't stand to tolerate. I guess that is how we all are, we find ways to channel negativities we see and we experience from different people by bursting out the bad things about them. You see, for me doing so will help you find a way to see the goodness in them, their positive traits. I am not destroying them, but by doing so, I get to know them more and I find the best way to deal with them. I find balance in everything, in life, in challenges, in experiences. We all make mistakes, we are not perfect, but we can live with love instead of hatred, of peace instead of chaos, of acceptance instead of discrimination, and freedom to be taken lightly and with rules to still be followed.

There are some things in this world that we cannot break even if we want to, and that is the law of nature, you can be whoever you wanted to be, but you still need to respect what was originally created. We are created equally and gifted differently, so we must find respect in everything that we see and what we believe. Not because you changed yourself into who someone whom you believe you are, you already have the freedom to make everyone believe that you are. There are always boundaries and limitations, it is not hypocrisy nor discrimination, it's mutual respect and acceptance. Just because you are given freedom you will go beyond limitation. That's not how it work.

At the end of the day, you have to respect yourself first before everyone will respect you. 2018 for me is a balance year. I had my ups and downs, some abrupt decisions made, challenges and realizations. Been to places and met different people. Became more close to people who are close to my heart. Had days of depression but was able to break free and become more focused on the reasons why I decided to take chances in a faraway place, far from family and close friends. And, ended up living with the family who cultivated me to become who I am today. 

My life is still full of challenges and I just face them day by day. I know what I am capable of, what my skills and talents are, my strength and weaknesses, and in time, with a leap of faith, I will be blessed with what my heart desires. Lord Jesus and heavenly Father will always be there as my guide along with everyone who cares and love me no matter what.

Thanks 2018 for all the adventures, to all the places that you let me see. It has been a great and wonderful year, specially that I have ended it being with my family who accepted and believes in me and what I am capable of doing.