Monday, October 29, 2018

The How's Us...

Watching the film made a lot of impact to myself. A lot of what if's in every relationship. A lot of questions being asked as to why we got tired and fell out of love. 

What if George read the letter during the night that she asked Primo to leave the house, would the ending be different?

What if Primo has opened himself to George? if he just told her how he is really feeling and will that change the plot of their love story?

If it hasn't been for Primo choosing his passion above all else and became open to other opportunities, will his career have changed? 

The movie is twisted into a story that will make you realize how the real world really works. The twist at the ending is just right that will make everyone realized that if they didn't part ways they could've not grown to what they are when they have met each other again. Having said that, I still believe that if they have communicated and been open to each other, they won't need to part ways. To have a successful and long term relationship open communication is always the key, that no matter how difficult the challenges are it can be resolve by talking it out with each other. 

This is another movie that proved Kathniels prowess as actors, the way lines are delivered they will make you feel that you are part of what they are feeling. Direk Cathy Garcia - Molina has done something extra ordinary again. I am not a Kathniel Fan to be honest, but I was urged to watch the movie when it was shown here in the US. A well deserve kudos to all the cast and who worked on the film. 

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