Thursday, February 23, 2012

On 23rd turned 26




Three simple words to describe my 26th year of existence in this world. Thankful that God gave me another chapter to fill and another year to discover and gain more knowledge and wisdom. Another 12 months to discover new things about the beauty of His creation. Another 366 days of facing challenges and surpassing each every passing days.

It's not always about the party and celebration, but what's more important is the thought that people whom you have loved and cared for can still remember that one special day when God has created someone special to be part of their lives. I've been thankful every year simply because this one special day can make me realize who are these true people who are always there whenever you are troubled and are there to support you all through out when you're down and needs someone to lean on.

I look back on the old days when I am just a nobody, and I am so happy that I was taught by my family to always look back to where I started because it's helping me in becoming a better person. Today, I just want to look back on those good old days and as well as the days when I had fallen apart. I look forward to better tomorrow and I believe that one day, I will be having the dream that I have always dreamed of. I still believe that "Fate always finds its way", I just need to have patience in waiting.

In this special day of mine, I would just like to thank those who's been there always beside me and keeping the fire inside me alive. In time I will be able to thank you all. I could say that I'm a bit disappointed because this isn't my plan, however I still feel happy and contented. To you all, I don't need to mention your names because I know that you already knew who you all are, from the bottom of my heart thank you so much for making my day so special.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Just a little thought...

Tonight, after watching Sex and the City 2, I came to realize that it has been 4 years since I went to US. It made me miss a lot of happy memories when I got the chance to stay in NJ for 3 months and visit some states in the East particularly New York since most of our weekend we go there and roam around.

I miss a lot of things whenever I see photos of the buildings that I have seen and of course the urge of going back to the US, might it be to study, work or live for awhile. I envy some of my friends who have relatives that supports them entirely and will even sponsor them to go abroad. I wish I have some too. However, live has never been fair, in life we have different fate, different destiny. I guess I am destined to work hard before I can earn what I wish to earn and I need to face all the challenges in life. 

I wish things were different, if only wishes do come true and what I think about do come true then I can definitely have everything that I want to have. They say that magic is just for kids and kids at heart and yet it makes me wonder if it's really true cause I really want to have one so that I can make a lot of difference not just with my life as well as with the lives of those who are in need. I guess if I was born with golden spoon in mouth, I wouldn't have the same attitude that I have right now. I might be someone who is high and mighty. A so called bitch and a bully, someone who looks down on other people and criticize them. Or, I can be someone who helps other people a lot specially those who are in need. 

We will never know, but one thing is certain. I want to have a name of my own, a palace if not a mansion dedicated to my mom. An abode for my adopted family who's always been there to support me and accept for everything that I am. On February 23rd, it'll be my 26th birthday and I need to step up and straighten my life. I need to make sure that I will go back to school and have a degree in college no matter what. Find someone who will be my guide and who will be there to back me up and insure that I will be living my dream. Age does not matter, what matters most is that I have the skills and talent that can help me out in conquering everything.

Tonight I will sleep with all this dream not just in my head but as well as inside my heart. I pray to God that He may light up the path on where my journey begins. But, before this things can happen, I need to have a good start...