Monday, January 18, 2010

This is me...

" all I want to find is someone who could accept me..."

" My name is Gaps, I may not be discreet but I know how to present my self very well, I am prim and proper, I have the right attitude towards everything... Some says that I'm a chameleon who can always adopt certain changes with my environment"

I love hanging out with friends, traveling, party and photography. I love capturing the beauty of everything that surrounds me. I love meeting people and making friends with them. Intimidating at times, coz people always have an impression that I'm a snob, but hell am not. I maybe talkative but I also know how to listen. I'm a career person, I focus more on my growth and for the growth of those whom I care a lot.

I pity those who pretend to be some one whom they are not, being true to yourself is way much better rather than becoming a pathetic fool, if you're gay, then embrace it, accept the fact that bisexual are for those who can have sex and relationship with both male and female, if you only love guys then don't be a fool...

I may wear heels at work, have nail polished every 15th and 30th of the month, have long hair, and plucked eyebrows...

But one thing am certain, I'm willing to change if someone gives me that so called respect and love...

--can I be your right one?

I am GAY and happy to be out and proud...

Monday, January 11, 2010


"I told you that I loved you and my heart stopped not because I was saying it for the first time but because I knew I meant it more than anything."

"And this is love: two souls that freely meet, and have no need of proving anything."

" I wanna be the girl who makes your bad days better the one that makes you say, "my life has changed since I met her"

"A part of you has grown in me, together forever we shall, never apart, maybe in distance but in the heart."

"I wonder how many people never get the one they want, but end up with the one they're supposed to have"

"Caring for someone is easy but making someone care for you is hard. Now I kept wondering... How did you make it easy for me to care for you."

"If you love someone you say it, you say it right then, out loud. Otherwise the moment just... passes you by..."

"People think that if you love somebody hard enough then everything is just gonna work out. People are wrong."

"I don't know if we each have a destiny or if we're all just floatin' around accidental-like on a breeze. But I, I think maybe it's both."

"You made me realize that I've always been missing something I never even knew I wanted."

"I never wanted the stars, never shot for the moon. I like them right where they are? all I wanted was you."

"Maybe some friendships aren't meant to saved. Maybe we're meant to spend certain part of our life with certain people... and then move on."

"I told him I was afraid of falling, and he whispered, "I have wings."

"Couples who love each other tell each other a thousand things without talking."

"I believe in memories, they look so, so pretty when I sleep. And when I wake up, you look so pretty sleeping next to me."

"Oh I just remembered how your hand fits the curve of my waist, and how your smile fits the curve of my mind."

"Why do we close our eyes when we kiss, when we dream, when we sleep? because the best things in the world go unseen..."

"Sometimes, it feels no one understand I don't even know why, I do the things I do CAUSE ITS A LONG LONG JOURNEY TILL I FIND MY WAT HOME TO YOU"

"I never want you to think that you are anything less than amazing."

"Never give up on the things that make you smile."

"There's a millions of people in this world, but in the end it all comes down to one."

"I can make no apologies for following my heart."

"I will put a wall around my heart and would not let anyone in. You know why? It's because my heart will wait forever just to be with you again"

"I loved you without knowing how. I loved you without knowing when. I loved you without knowing why. I love you even though knowing to you, I'm just a friend..."

"I have to many people for more than a billion times but when I first saw you, my heart took over and smiled for the first time."

Friday, January 1, 2010

Year 2010

Start of another year, another chapter has been open on this book called "LIFE". What do we expect for this year? What are the new challenges that we'll face not only to ourselves but also for the whole country?

This year will be another start for our country, 2010 election will be taking place this May and we need to decide who's going to be the best and suitable leader whom we should be voting. A leader who can make our country progress more in it's economic status. A leader who is honest, trustworthy and responsible enough to face all the problems that our country is still facing right now. I could say that Madame GMA made a big impact when it comes to our economic problem, she provided more jobs for us Filipinos. BPO's were born because of her, high school graduates and college undergraduates got the chance to work on their careers with call center jobs. She did a lot of things for our country that we should have noticed and appreciated, but then again people only see her flaws, the wrong things.

I should say that Filipino mentality is the main cause as to why our country couldn't achieve it's growth. We have our own choices on whom we want to be our leader but when we see something wrong and hear some bad rumors about them, we are the first one to react and do something that cause more trouble. Ans what I hate the most, paying peoples to join rallies which doesn't have any relevance.

Why can't we just be happy for what we have right now? Why can't we support those who leads us, react when we see that everything gone wrong and our leader couldn't even do anything anymore but just stealing our earned hard works. I can find those who lead this stuff as someone who doesn't know how to follow the laws of nature. Who wants to break the law and be the one seated on the position that isn't really meant for them. I'm not pertaining any particular here, I'm merely expressing base on what I have observed.

This year, 2010, we need to be sure who's going to be the right person to lead our country. We need someone who is a good listener, has a good eyesight and a heart that is gold, a listener to our country's cry, an eyesight to see the sadness in his country's eyes and a golden heart that can heal our country's wound that swells from all the difficulties of the past. Let's make sure that we are doing the right choice, not because of the campaign materials they use and not because of the promises they keep on saying that never happens. We need to check on their backgrounds, if they did well before they run as presidential nominee.

All I'm saying is that, let's make this new year a whole new one. A year of growth, for ourselves, for our family and relatives, for our country men and most of all for our country. Also, let us heal our country, let it not swell more and have all hard works gone to nothing.

A prosperous, productive and full of love new year to all.