Sunday, March 5, 2017


I don't have a lot of readers, yes, but I am happy seeing some checking what I write and post. My apologies as I am not a good writer, I just do freestyle, I write what I think and express what I feel. I just need something where to put my feelings unto. I envy those people who could write and express what comes in their minds with perfect plot and story. I am actually trying but I guess it's not really for me.

Today, I just want things to be random.

I am not even sure what my Team Leader will do if he sees me doing something not work related, but I don't care. I just want to express what I feel right now.

So, my weekend went great even though I am still coping up with my new rest day schedule which is Friday and Saturday, advantage actually since I can go to any event which are mostly scheduled on a Friday and Saturday. 

Friday, I watched Mister and Miss Holy Angel University, cheering for a friend and of course my crushes, was able to be proud hearing my name being acknowledge for providing assistance during their photo shoots. I kinda miss my life when I was still studying and handling this type of events. I'll admit, I was a bit disappointed with the flow of competition, still kudos to the organizers since they still made a lot of effort to make the pageant fabulous. In the end, even though me and my friend does not agree with one of the winners we still need to accept the result.

Saturday, I received the best gift ever. I am not sure what I did why I am receiving so much blessings this year, still I am so thankful. I guess that is because of how I treat people and how I project myself as a person. I can look tough on the first look and you have to dig deeper on order to know me well. It's just the first impression. Just like when you read a book, you do not just look at its cover but you have to read it thoroughly in order for you to know it more. Had family time after awhile, I missed my Yumi, I bet she's sad and cried since I haven't visited her for quiet awhile. It's not easy to have her at my own place since I always come home late and I leave early all the time. What's more fascinating was gate crashing the after party of Mr and Ms HAU candidates. It was actually fun though I do not have the guts to talk to them, I don't know where it went but I enjoyed the night. Gosh it's been a long time since I went our partying. 

Oh well, as of right now, here I am, working and at the same time updating this blog, which happened to be my diary at the same time. And I am not sleepy since I went home at around 4pm and has to wake up at 9am since I need to cook my brunch and as well as for my dinner that I will be bringing to work. Single life is really fun and challenging at the same time. My life is getting fulfilled one by one and in time I know I will be able to achieve my goal, take it slowly but surely. Though taking risk is another option.