Saturday, December 12, 2009

A story to tell...

Let me share this story about my childhood friends family whom I consider to be my second family when I was still young, way back when we are still in our primary years and half of my secondary years. Before I moved out of the subdivision where I dreamed of many thing and planned my career.

I won't be disclosing their personal information. Though, I know that if someone knows me well reads this particular story they would recognize who's that childhood friend of mine is. I dedicate this story to them since I always remember their family the most during Christmas time, where i envy them so much even though my family is also doing great during this holiday season.

So here it goes...

!5 years ago, when I was still leaving in this small subdivision, I had this childhood friends who became so close to me and my family, they were like my sisters. At first they are not living inside the subdivision, they had their house just outside the subdivisions gate and they were my sister's classmate in Kindergarten and eventually as time passed by they also became my friends. My father who is a total friendly neighbor became friends with their mom and everyone outside the subdivision, since my father used to sell fishballs during night time roaming around the barangays near our place. I'm also having my haircut with one of their borders.

After a few years, they transferred inside the subdivision because their mom became the care taker of this apartment blocks near our home, actually in front of our house. This twins became more closer to us. We along with my siblings and some friends from the blocks used to play outside after school until 7pm, and since back then, we don't have our own TV set, we tend to go to their place just to watch movies and of course some of our favorite television shows.

We used to have a house party at their place with friends, watching movies, playing playstation games and of course sleep overs which happens almost everyday especially when our parents allowed all of us to sleep at their place. I even had my mother locked me out of the house since I went home very late. Simply because, I still don't want to go home since I love what i'm watching. I'm one of the eldest on our group that time and my friends mom always asks me to watch over them especially when she needs to leave at night, with extra "Baon", money of course coming from here, she's like a mom to me.

During Christmas, I envy them so much cause they always get what they want. New clothes, toys, games, money and etc, since their father has a good job in Manila. Their house has the best Christmas decoration cause their mom's very creative, have the best foods also. They are the happiest family I ever saw and admired, up until now of course, I wish I could go back and be with them again.

They picture the perfect family, hardworking and loving dad, caring, thoughtful and loving mom, and children who knows how to appreciate everything that is given to them, may it be big or small. One small yet happy family. Their parents even love taking good care of us, their friends. Their family is like friendship also, they have bonding moments whenever their dad goes home from manila.

But something happened that became a shock to all of us. We all knew at an early age that their mom was into drugs that time, along with one of our childhood friend's mom and some who also live on our neighborhood. Their mom was sent to rehab due to drugs, for six months. Their house became dull, so silent and so sad, my friends were not brought up us spoiled ones but responsible ones. They know how to work all by themselves at an early age and that's already something. Nobody knew what was happening from the inside, everything seems the same even though Tita was not around.

After six months, Tita was already cleared off and was sent back home, we thought that everything was still the same. She even tells us her story when she was still inside, she's perfectly better. Their family had to keep up with the missing days with their mom and so things were back to it's form. My parents had no news regarding this stuff coz I was already by myself that time. My family already left to my father's province for good. I was alone by myself and they where my family for a year and a half before my Aunts pulled me out of the house cause it was already been sold.

Shocked came to me when I heard the news one time I visited them advising that my friends mom and dad broke up. They already had a problem since they had their mom back from rehab. Their father had an affair when he was still in manila and so their mom had to leave and go back to her province. Shattered as it may be, but my friends kept on being strong as they are. They had to move out of their apartment and live with their Grandma, whom I actually don't like that much, may her soul be at peace.

Last time I was with them was in Zambales, they were staying at their mother's friend's house and then went back to Pampanga. But then again, the other half stayed with their mom in Laguna, from which I heard that they are happy coz their mom already moved forward with her life and has a boyfriend.

Right now, I don't have any news from them, I heard that the other one is having a baby and no news with the other half. I'm just hoping that both of them will be in good condition. I miss the Family that I admire so much, but what can with do, fate keeps on changing what we intend to keep.